Top 10 Most Influential Libertarians!
Original List by Finley-1551843144

1. ron paul buy from 11
ron paul
not the best spokesperson, but sound ideology
2. rand paul buy from 9
rand paul
paul family's gift to kentucky
The longtime network and cable newsman has unpacked emerging stories with a libertarian viewpoint on his way to 19 Emmy awards and several best-selling books. Stossel is also a syndicated columnist and, as of this year, a contributor to the Reason Foundation and ReasonTV.
The Hoover Institution’s Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at Stanford University is a writer of distinction having authored nearly three dozen books on economics, social policy, and race, and his works have been collected in several others. Sowell is a National Humanities Medal winner for his libertarian-conservative writings and a longtime syndicated columnist, until his column was retired last year.
A former private-practice lawyer, law professor, and youngest-ever life-tenured New Jersey Superior Court judge, Napolitano has been Fox News’ senior judicial analyst since 1998 and is a best-selling author.
As the CEO of Whole Foods Market, Mackey has been a powerful advocate of “conscious capitalism” (the title of his book) and an outspoken opponent of government overregulation, even when his statements created friction among his customer base.
The billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist credits libertarian ideals behind all his investments and philanthropy, such as co-founding PayPal (creating a non-state currency), Facebook (developing non-state communities), and The Seasteading Institute (creating autonomous floating cities).
Known as the “Sage of South Central,” Elder hosts a nationally syndicated radio show where he tackles the events of the day from a “small l” libertarian perspective. The erstwhile lawyer has authored several nonfiction books and produced award-winning television.
Solid in principle and practice.
10. jeffrey a. tucker buy from 1 A down vote will remove this item!
A longtime vice president of the Mises Institute, Tucker now is director of digital content at the Foundation for Economic Education as well as a contributing member of other illustrious libertarian think tanks: Acton Institute, Heartland Institute, and Mises Brazil. Tucker is also the founder of, a forum and social network for likeminded individuals.
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